Wednesday, February 4, 2009

One month!

It's been amazing to see how much things have changed in just one short month. I oscillate between hardly believing Rohan's been here a month and feeling like he's been here for much longer. He seems to have adjusted to us quite well:)
In the last month Rohan has started to develop his own personality. He's a generally happy baby that tends to cry only if he needs food, diaper change, or is generally uncomfortable. He's a snuggler and is more than content to curl up on your chest for a nap. He's been quite a bit more alert and following us with his eyes the last few weeks. He's also given us a number of smiles but we haven't been quick enough with the camera to catch them just yet. He seems to like or at least tolerate the dogs as they sniff/lick him at least a dozen times a day. Needless to say this kid is definitely developing antibodies! So, he hasn't learned to walk/talk/or do anything too exciting but we're still pretty enthralled with his little accomplishments:)
This last weekend Rohan & I were on our own Friday night and Saturday until Mike returned from IA where he was helping his grandma move into an assisted living apartment. Rohan did great and let me get a fair amount of studying done. He spent quite a bit of time hanging out in the sling which he and I both love!
Saturday was beautiful out, sunny and 60! Rohan and I took the dogs for a walk in the afternoon, I'm sure we were quite the with Rohan in the sling getting dragged around by Lucy and Linus:)It was still awesome out when Mike got home so we took another long walk in the evening. Of course the weather was just a tease as the highs have only been in the teens/20s since then.
Sunday we studied at home in the morning and then went over to our friends the Berrey's for the Superbowl. We all watched the first half and then Deana & I hid downstairs and studied for our Pharm exam during the second half while Mike & Jim hung out with their 3 girls and Rohan. I think we picked the wrong half to study! We were cheering for AZ (our new home team!) but had a great evening none-the-less.
Nothing too much new here, just going to school/daycare, working out, and studying as usual. Here are a few pictures from this last week. He is definitely getting bigger and filling out his skin more these days. He's getting weighed later this week so we'll see how much our chunky monkey has grown.


Sally said...

He's so beautiful!!! He does look like he's stuffing his cheeks though!

Michelle Stokes said...

He's filling out so nicely! Jackson his 28 lbs this week. Can Rohan catch him? : )

Sally said...

Good Lord- Sam has passed Jackson! He's 30.6 a couple weeks ago...Brute!

Gatfly said...

Love the pics! He ought to be developing good study habits...
I loved the front pack like you love your sling! So easy and hands-free!
He is changing in looks before our eyes!

Gatfly said...

Oh! Congratulations to Rohan on his first month!!!

Timothy and Allison Peet said...

Now you know what I meant about Cameron seeming much older than he acually was! It is amazing how fast time flies tho huh??