Saturday, February 7, 2009

Rohan's Due Date

We've finally reached Rohan's actual due date (roughly). We were told some time between February 5th and 10th so we split the difference and called it the 7th. We had him weighed pm Thursday and he was up to 6lbs 10ozs, and was 19 1/4 inches. He still doesn't make the percentages for any of the charts, but it's pretty safe to say he's on the lower end for most of the stats...
It's been so nice here the last few days we've taken him on a total of about 6 hours worth of walks, and at least another 2 hours tomorrow. We'll have essentially circumnavigated Kirksville by the end of this weekend...
Here are some pictures from the last week or so...enjoy!


Sally said...

Can't decide if I feel worse for Linus or for Rohan...

Michelle Stokes said...

Feel worse for Rohan. Linus will turn the tables soon enough and be trying to mount Rohan....We all know Linus' tendancies!!!

Gatfly said...

It looks like both of them were pretty much oblivious, so I don't know if we need to feel sorry for either one! (unless it is the nut who posed them....)
Looks like Grandma is happy to be where she is!