Wednesday, February 11, 2009


This week has been pretty random for us. We had a chance to webcam with Both Grandparents (Bacon & Syring sides) as well as Josh (all the way from Deutschland)! It was great to show off how much little Rohan has grown in the last weeks since the Grandparents had seen him. He was cooperative for the most part, but a little fussy here and there. Rohan also got to see his cousin Thomas for the first time. He was quite a handful, but held still long enough to say hi and then bolt away. He's so close to walking he'll be sprinting up and down their hallways in no time!
Rohan has been fighting some bug from daycare. He's been a little more fussy and has a stuffed up nose, but overall, still active and healthy. As much as he's been eating he may even be up over 7lbs, but we'll have to wait to see.
We are headed to Tim & Allison's place this weekend so Rohan can meet his other "cousin" Cameron. Come to think of it, Allison has a scale so we may just weigh him there. We may even get a surprise visit from Unkie Nate...:)
The weather has been GORGEOUS this last week! We had 71°F last Saturday, and mid-60's this last week. We had a little cooler weather (upper 40's) today, but it's been great to see some sun! Mara and I have both been taking advantage of the nice weather and jogging outside when we can, and taking Rohan and the dogs on some epic walks. We can't wait to get to Phoenix where we can walk so much farther, and have sidewalks (or at least paved trails) the entire way! :)
I also just notice that we passed 15,000 visits on our blog! WOW! This was a way for people to keep up with what we've been doing and it seems to be doing the trick! We'll try and stay as vigilant as we have been with pictures and videos (especially of Rohan!).

That being said, enjoy the pictures & videos!

Tummy Time. It can be frustrating, but he's getting some good neck control:

Rohan's First Pear. I think he likes it!:

Squeakers. Note Linus in the background...:) :


Gatfly said...

It just makes a Grandma want to pick him up and snuggle him....

Timothy and Allison Peet said...

SQUEAKERS!!!! He makes me smile. It's almost exhausting to me just watching him work to hard!

Tony, Jen, Taylor and Kaylee said...

Thanks for the great video! It really shows off how much he is filling out in the face. We miss him a ton!