Monday, January 19, 2009

Smartest baby ever...

Okay, probably not, but Rohan has been attending lectures in Orthopedics, Pathology, Surgery, Women's Health, Pharmacology, and Neuroscience since he was 3 days old! He's done great! We sit in the back and so far he hasn't so much as squeaked during a lecture (although we are careful to leave at the earliest signs of hunger). He can sleep through almost anything, just like his dad:) He's a HUGE hit with most of my classmates and I definitely don't have to worry about holding him during the breaks between lecture as he's sure to be passed around to most anyone!
It's been a great two weeks adjusting to a full load of classes and Rohan. I am really glad we were able to hold off on daycare for this long (I know, 2 weeks isn't very long, but it's longer than we thought we'd be able to wait), although he will be going sometime this week. We'll see how that adjustment goes...
This last Friday while I was taking my Neuro Final, Mike took Rohan to the doctor and we are proud to say the little man is back to his birth weight! A whopping 5lbs 10oz and growing like a weed. Keep it up Rohan! He'll be filling in his saggy skin in no time:)

1 comment:

Gatfly said...

Great to read about him, but where are the pictures!!?!
Just kidding, I know you are crazy-busy.
We all knew he was going to be smart - it's in his genes!