Monday, January 5, 2009

Finally Home

We finally got the OK to head home (around 11pm) from the hospital. The Dr. wanted to check Rohan's bilirubin levels, and they came back OK. Since he's 5 weeks early he'll most likely be jaundiced and he'll get his Green Lantern Belt like his cousin Cameron to conjugate some of the free bilirubin.
The puppies got to meet Rohan for the first time. He didn't seem to mind them too much, but the dogs couldn't get enough of him; especially Linus. We saw that when Jackson was born and Linus was such a motherly dog. He whines when Rohan cries, it's pretty pathetic. Toquinho could care less about him, as long as he gets his attention.
Everyone is doing GREAT, especially Mara & Rohan. Rohan is very developed considering the 5 week early entrance. He's above the curve in most areas for being early.
Here are some pics for everyone. We are going to feed him, then sleep in our own bed! By the way, in the beginning, your going to get sick of the pointless pictures & videos we put up. They are probably only cute to us, but why not share? :)


Gatfly said...

Easy to see Rohan will be a nerd, just like his parents! He is literally drowning in that carseat! And Mara, of course, looks great!!!
I'll bet it was wonderful being home!
See you Thursday!!!!!!! Can't wait!

Cari said...

Just like magic. All of a sudden you have a little person in your midst. :) Pretty cool, huh?

Carrie-Area Director said...

Wow Mike! congratulations! Now your life will be even more crazy! You guys will love being parents though! I hope everyone continues to do wonderfully! We will keep checking back for more pics and updates!

Timothy and Allison Peet said...

Pretty amazing, huh? Such an odd feeling coming home with a tiny PERSON! Holy visitors too! Good to see you have people around to support you. Hope you're getting some much deserved rest Mara!!