Thursday, March 27, 2008

Lucky Break

Nothing like ending your week with a little debit card fraud! We found out this afternoon that someone got Mara's debit card number and charged $650 at a Hallmark store in Kansas City today. Woo-hoo! If I'm stealing a debit card, I am NOT going to a Hallmark store! I'd go to Best Buy, Circuit City, or Alterra Coffee Roasters, but not Hallmark! What the hell did they buy? $650 worth of Precious Moments? :D
We called and got the money refunded, and her card canceled and reordered, so no loss. What we can't figure out is HOW they got it? First of all she has never even used the card, and second, she STILL HAS IT. We have no idea how they got the number, or paid for items without a card. We were just in KC 2 weeks ago and we thought her card would be missing, but it wasn't. Very strange.
Oh well. At least US Bank was really cool about it and we had the money refunded in minutes. Hopefully the catch the people, but I doubt it. Karma may get them before the cops do...:)


Gatfly said...

Honestly, how can someone spend $650 at a Hallmark store??? So glad you caught it right away! Scott just had something similar with his PayPal account....gotta watch that stuff!

Michelle Stokes said...

I have a feeling with the internet we'll all be going through this ID theft issue at some point. Glad you got your $ back but what a pain in the butt. How did they get the #????!!!