Monday, March 10, 2008

2nd Quarter is OVER!

February seemed to last forever, and with 25 tests/quizzes in 29 days it was TERRIFIC!

Linus & Lucy can be pretty needy when we're super busy and the following video is of Linus helping me study for my last Histology final. As you can see, I took a quick break to torture him.

I survived 2nd quarter relatively unscathed and I've already got my books & notebooks set up for 3rd quarter, I'm like a kid super excited for the first day of school! It will be fun to have a couple of classes with Mike this quarter as well, we'll be taking Medical Microbioloogy & Immunology. As you can imagine the conversations will only get dorkier!

1 comment:

Gatfly said...

Too bad Linus is so tightly wound....