Tuesday, March 2, 2010

MMR & Autism...NO LINK!!!

ANYONE who still believes there is a risk of Autism because of the MMR vaccine needs to read these articles.

The first is the original article by 12 scientists stating the association of the MMR vaccine and Autism.  The second was published in the SAME JOURNAL as the first and it is 10 of the 12 authors retracting their names from the article's statements (A HUGE deal in the scientific community).  The third is a case controlled study showing NO LINK between the MMR vaccine and Autism.

I'm sending this out because of a Masters student in my class that doesn't get her kids vaccinated because of the original article.  Funny how she missed the retraction article.  Shows you that anyone can fall for what they see and hear on TV.  Be sure to do your research before you believe everything you hear.

Please forward this on to anyone who might still believe the link between the MMR vaccine and Autism.  Bottom line, vaccinate your children!

    • Original article stating MMR/Autism hypothesis
2.) Retraction of an interpretation.pdf
    •  Retractions of original interpretation 
3.) Lack of Association between MMR & Autism with Enteropathy-A Case-Control Study.pdf
    • A well done study showing NO link to autism

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