Sunday, March 7, 2010

Making The Most of Another Rainy Weekend

What the hell?  I thought the desert was just that, a desert!  Last weekend was rainy and cool, and after this work week of 75°F & sunny we thought we were in for a nicer weekend.  It was a little cooler with rain at night Saturday, and all day Sunday, but that didn't keep us inside.  Read on...
First off, on Thursday Rohan's daycare called and said he had a fever of 102.9°F so I had to pick him up and he also had to stay out of daycare for 24hrs, so I had to take Friday off.  Rohan is fine, he's just cut 4 more teeth in the last 3 weeks (2 bottom teeth, and 2 molars).  He's also growing like a weed and running all over, so the temp isn't a big deal.  It never spiked again, and he's been feeling better since.
Mara was supposed to work on Friday as well, but her preceptor had an emergency surgery Thursday at midnight that lasted until 7am the next day.  He had texted Mara, but she didn't get the text until 6:30.  He cancelled all his patients for Friday so Mara and I had an impromptu family day off!
We made the most of our day off, and the awesome weather that was soon to disappear.  We mailed our taxes out, some notes to friends & family, and Rohan also sent out 3 boxes of baby clothes for cousin Ryan.  After that we went and got a chip in our windshield fixed and grabbed some Indian for lunch. We tried to hit up the Cubs/Diamondbacks game in Mesa, but all the lawn seats were sold out, and we weren't sitting in the bleachers of a sold out stadium with Mr. Rohan.  Since we were already on the SE side of town we decided to explore the Superstition Mountains (part of the Tonto National Forest) a little bit since we've only seen them from the highway.  We drove out to Apache Lake to get some fresh air and explore a little bit.  We got Rohan right by the water and it was about 3 seconds before he found a puddle and was soaked.  Since he was already wet, we decided to let him splash around for a half hour or so.  That kid loves water!  After Apache Lake we continued on to Tortilla Flat.  Tortilla Flat is a small watering hole town that is privately owned and is more of a glorified ghost town than anything.  Apparently thats where all the snow birds go as well, since we were the youngest people by about 40 years, aside from great (-great-great) grandkids.  There was a cool waterfall over the road (yep) that Rohan liked, and of course got his next set of clothes wet as well.
We capped off Friday with sushi with Sasha at Ra, and a few hours of rock climbing.  The whole day, Rohan slept only about 20 minutes, and I drove him around for 30 minutes before climbing, but he was exhausted after climbing.  We've never seen him that tired.  He's a little trooper.
It wasn't a 3-day weekend for me, however.  I had to run into work to start an aCGH experiment was going to do on Friday.  I spent a few hours setting that up, then Mara and Rohan came and we took a coffee break.  I tried one of Starbuck's new Trenta drinks.  It's 30oz instead of their 20oz Venti drink.  They only serve iced coffee & tea in it, but it is A LOT of iced coffee.  After I went back to work I could feel the caffeine in my hands while trying to pipette and finish up my experiment.  After work I met Mara & Rohan at the dog park and we had a nice picnic before heading in.  Rohan was running all over, and having a blast with the dogs.  We had some nice people bring their dogs over (since they liked kids) and Rohan played with them for 40 minutes or so.  One little white punter dog really took a liking to Rohan (see the video below).
We capped Saturday off with (what else?) a 2mi run to AZR and another couple hours of bouldering.  They reset a bunch of routes and we had a lot of fun working on those with friends.  At night it got pretty chilly (relatively speaking) so we ended the night with a nice fire in the fireplace after Rohan went to bed.  We both actually fell asleep by it and woke up around 3am and went to our own bed.
It rained ALL DAY Sunday.  We had a 10mi run planned, and a little rain never hurt anyone...:)  We headed out in a nice drizzle.  It didn't feel too bad since we were running.  Rohan slept almost the whole way and just watched the world go by from behind is rain fly.  At about mile 8 we got hit by a MASSIVE downpour.  We saw the cloud coming from about mile 6 and were just waiting for it.  It rained so hard it hurt to look up.  Good thing we have a nice straight sidewalk to run on!  We had 3 people stop and ask if we wanted a ride home.  We thought that was pretty amazing considering 2 of them had BMWs and we were soaking wet.  Another was amazed that Rohan was so happy in his stroller, which he confirmed with a giant grin.  We ended up running 10.6 miles, and we were FROZEN to the core when we got back.  A hot shower and crockpot lasagna fixed that pretty quickly!
Rohan gave us a great show today by getting into the dog water (again...) and absolutely soaking our entryway.  Hopefully next weekend it will be warmer and we can get him back into the pool!  I'm sure he misses it. In the meantime, enjoy the pics & vids:

Rohan At The Dog Park:

Rohan Plays In Roosevelt Lake:

Rohan Swims In Dog Water (Again...):


Gatfly said...

Don't you have a bathtub that boy fits in?? ;) Poor thing has to take a bath in the dog waterer....
Sounds like you had another busy weekend! Kudos to you!

Michelle Stokes said...

Love the beautiful scenery and I'm envious of the run i nthe rain. There's nothing like it, I love running in the rain. I went through Jackson's clothes last night, I'll be shipping them and the WD out this week.