Wednesday, September 16, 2009

So Close To First Steps

Rohan has been really close to taking his first real steps. He's been climbing EVERYTHING we have from the coffee table, to the couches, to the stroller, and even pulling up on Schroeder! Shcroeder just sits there and takes it, they really are good friends. Schroeder takes his ball to Rohan and tried to get him to play with him, it's pretty cute.
Rohan has been much more daring now that he's seeing more and getting curious by things across the room. HE's starting to hang on with only one hand, and even then he's starting to let go and balance, just for a second. Here is a little video of him getting close to taking those first steps:

Maybe he'll be walking when Rohan and I come to WI in a few weeks! :)


Michelle Stokes said...


Sally said...

Um yeah...I'm afraid he has a little ways to go unless he's going to noodle walk...but he IS looking so grown up!

Gatfly said...

Ditto on what Sally said, but then that one shot showed him having pretty good balance. It's consistency that will count in the end....and do you REALLY want him walking when you have to fly with him??? :)