Monday, May 4, 2009

Rohan Pics & Videos

We had some time so we'll post some pictures & videos.
Last Wednesday our Daycare had a BBQ for their 1 year anniversary and one of their workers sister came to take photos of the kids. She was GREAT! We got some really good pictures for just being a spur of the moment photo op. Some are repeats in color/B&W/sepia but she did a great job. If you're in Kirksville and need photos we recommend our photographer Crystal. Here is her MySpace page if you are interested.
After a long week, we took a trip to Columbia to walk around and visit some stores we don't have in the 'ville, namely everything but Wal-Mart. We also found a Jimmy Johns and soaked that up since we just found out there are NO JJ's in Phoenix! That should be illegal... We also found a pimpin' tux for Rohan to wear to our friend Wyatt's wedding next weekend. We'll have PLENTY of picture of him in that later. It was cool though, when Mara took him into the changing room I was waiting outside and one cashier kept looking in the fitting rooms, walking out, then looking at me. I felt a little out of sorts... After the 3rd time she came up to me and asked if my wife was coming out with the baby soon because they wanted to see him in his tux. I turned around and there were 4 cashiers all standing there waiting for them to come out. I've never seen anything like that before. When they came out, everyone, including customers were stopping to see him in his outfit. It was a lot of fun.
Enjoy the pics:

Rohan has fun at Jimmy Johns in Columbia:

Rohan Studies Chronic Ischemic Myocardial Infarctions:


Gatfly said...

Those pictures are just adorable!! She did a fantastic job!! Hope I can get some prints made up - don't have time to mess with it now. Later, though.
Cute videos, too. I was sure that someone was helping him with the pages until you panned out. Such a smartie!

Michelle Stokes said...

Wow, I have so many photo favorites! ALL the B&W are awesome, I love those for babies.

Please order me an 8x10 and 5x7 of each and 50 wallets of all the B&W's.

: )

Timothy and Allison Peet said...

Smartest baby EVER! So I will have to try this oobleck you speak of. I laughed out loud at the shower scene, very sexy! :)

Amber said...

Oh, so cute!!! I did not know you all had a blog!!! Rohan is getting so big!

Mary Mathwig said...

Yes, he's a real doll. Look out girls.