Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Happy 2 Months Rohan!

So the little guy is now 2 months old! That went pretty quick, and from what we hear, it doesn't slow down! :)
Mara took him to the Dr. for his 2 month checkup today. He also got his 2 month immunizations as well. Those included Pertussis, Diphtheria, Tetanus, H. Influenza, Pneumococcal, and Hepatitis B vaccinations.. He also weighed in at...8 lbs 6 ozs!! We thought he'd be heavier since last week he had a spurt. We thought he'd continue at the same pace. He is babbeling and smiling a lot more now. We posted some videos below for your entertainment...:)
He's been doing great since the Bronchiolitis, and he's back in daycare. They were all surprised to see how big he had gotten since he wasn't there all of last week. We've even noticed some extra chins, thigh rolls, and plumper feet. He's been REALLY alert since he's feeling better, and that's been a lot more fun than gassy/whiny Rohan. He did, however, have a misfire on the changing table...see pics for more info...
We found some time last weekend to go to Haleigh & Serena's last basketball game. It was a blast watching them. They are by far the best players on the team, and they both played great!
My ankle is almost healed now. It's still a little swollen at the ankle bone (medial malleolus), but I managed to work out for an hour, run a mile, and then play a game of racquetball yesterday without any additional pain/swelling, so I'm glad I can be active again! I included an ankle shot to show the bruising at it's worst. It really does look worse than it is, but it does look bad! Note the swelling at the top of the foot too. That showed up for 2 days, then went away. Mara and I even got to jog ~2.5 miles outside today since it was still 55°F at 6:00!
Here are some pictures from the last few weeks and some comparison shots to show Rohan's progress. Enjoy!

Couple of Smiling Videos:

Rohan Babbeling About Nothin':


Sally said...

Such a little man!!! I love his hair!

Cari said...

Thanks for sharing (mostly). Rohan's a trooper! --And some of those outfits look familiar; glad they made it down the line!

Gatfly said...

Now I REALLY can't wait for next Friday!!!
What do you mean, he is talking about nothing? After all that studying he has been doing, he was probably giving you a lecture!
Give him a hug for us!

Michelle Stokes said...

That last video is great. Played it about 8 times. Keep them coming, it's great to be able to feel like we're experiencing him growing up right along with you.

Timothy and Allison Peet said...

Don't those first smiles just make you melt? You'll do anything for them! He's getting so much bigger and more alert!! So a comparison for ya - Laura's baby weighed 8 lb 9 oz at birth!!

John and Heather Schmit said...

What a honey! I can't wait to see him! Just a couple more months!!

Tony, Jen, Taylor and Kaylee said...

I love all of the updates! I think I played the last video 5 or 6 times. It made me feel like I was a little closer to him. Miss all of you a lot! Keep the updates coming...