Sunday, November 30, 2008

3D-4D Ultrasound

We had been waiting for our 3D-4D ultrasound for quite a while. We originally scheduled the appointment at Prenatal Vision 2 months ago and the quarter couldn't get over fast enough! We stayed with Tim & Allison & Cameron the night before and Allison & Cameron were able to come with us. It was a lot of fun to see the kid in high definition ultrasound quality, but there was one problem. Like most Syring's he didn't cooperate. Most of the time he had his hands in front of his face. The tech had Mara walk around to try and get him repositioned, but when we got back he had BOTH HIS FEET crossed at the ankles, in front of his face! She did offer to give us a free screening in December since we didn't get many good photos, so we'll try to get back up there over our X-Mas break.
Here are some stills from the ultrasound. You can see quite a bit of the features, but just never a full facial photo. Enjoy!

FYI, we will post a ~40 minute video of our full appointment. I won't post it here, but I will provide a link for everyone when it's uploaded.
Here is the link to the video. It's 36 minutes of dizzying ultrasound, but hopefully you'll stay oriented. I highly recommend muting it. The music begins to grate on your nerves after about 1.4 seconds...

1 comment:

Tony, Jen, Taylor and Kaylee said...

I just watched the 36 minute video of the ultrasound! That was awesome! Baby has big cheeks already... :)