Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Wonderful, Busy, & Relaxing

That about sums up our weekend, funny how busy and relaxing make it in the same sentence...we're crazy like that:)

On Friday Mike played in a best ball golf tournament with a professor and another graduate student. They had a great round and finished 2nd! While Mike was busy in the hot sun, I enjoyed reading an entire book (for pleasure) while sipping iced coffee at the coffee shop, it was terrific. In the evening, we headed over to our friends Deana & Jim's to grill out and hangout with them and their 3 girls. The girls are 5, 7, & 9 and were a ton of fun, I think I was more tired at the end of the night than them!

Saturday we got up and hit some rummage sales, very interesting what constitutes a rummage sale to some people...but I don't doubt that someone would buy it. We drove all over Kirksville in just over an hour and then headed to the farmer's market. We were really looking for some corn on the cob but due the rain practically drowning everything there hasn't been any yet, but the peas, zucchini, and tomatoes were excellent! We came home, grabbed a quick snack then headed out to Thousand Hills State Park for a couple hours of kayaking fun. It was beautiful out on the lake and we even beached the kayaks and went for a swim. By the time we made it back to the docks our arms and abs were tired. We came home, grilled up some supper and proceeded to pass out for 2 hours, I think the sun caught up to us. The rest of the evening was pretty relaxing and we capped it off with a 5 mile walk with the dogs at 10pm once the humidity/heat had gone down.

Sunday Mike got up early and went into work for a few hours, but after that we went to the driving range (our shoulders were still sore from kayaking), then we headed to Josh & Debora's for dinner while Grandma/Grandpa Hansen were there. We had a great dinner (as always) with Josh manning the grill. Thomas amazes us every time with his growth & personality. He's such a flirt!

Overall, a pretty great weekend! We have rain forecasted for the next few days so it was good we could enjoy the outdoors while we could. Thursday the Stokes' are coming to visit, so we'll get to see Chris & Shell and marvel at how big Jackson is since the last time we saw him. We've already started to baby proof the house in preparation for his arrival.

1 comment:

Gatfly said...

I get tired just reading your post! Sounds like you had fun, though. I was hoping for some pictures of Thomas....Hope you had fun with Jackson! We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday! (right?)