Saturday, May 3, 2008

Study Breaks

With finals fast approaching (2 more weeks, but 8 test before then) we decided we needed to take some extra breaks in between studying (& work). On Wednesday it was 75 & sunny so we headed out to the lake to bask in the sun & let the dogs run wild. They've adjusted as well as they could have with us being gone all day/night, but really appreciate the extra time we can spend with them that isn't sleeping.
Here are a couple of pictures of our trip out to the lake:

We also had some friends head out of town this weekend so we went out and fed their dogs. They have a huge field behind their house so we let Linus & Lucy run around with their dogs Spot & Butters (don't ask). Lucy all of the sudden took off on a dead sprint into the field and wouldn't come back when we were calling. When she was about 1/4 mile away she stopped and started rolling. We knew it was going to be bad since she obviously smelled it from that far away. It turns out the owners had a coyote die last fall and they were letting it "dry out" so they could get the skull. had been there for 7 months and was now in the "Liquified" stage of decomposition. The smell was easily one of the worst I have ever smelled, and no way in HELL she was getting in the car like that. We ended up hosing her down in their driveway and then running her dry so we could take them home. Good thing we brought the kennel, just in case something like this happened (we've learned our lessons in the past). Here is a video of Lucy looking pathetic while we hose her down:


Gatfly said...

Darn - you stopped taping before Mara got a Lucy-shower! Love the pose of her with the pink bush. What do you mean, special needs dog???

Michelle Stokes said...

I love it. Linus contemplating his "special" life and Lucy finds a liquified carcass to roll around on. Typical weekend for the Syring's in Missoura.

Sally said...

Ewwww...good thing we don't have smell-o-vision...