Thursday, May 15, 2008

How 'bout That!

According to our counter on the blog, less than 1,100 days of medical school left for Mara...:) That's including next year's classes and two years of clinical rotations, but it's not including residency (tack on another ~1000 days or so).
Not really a good pep talk since we have finals this next week. I have 3 (Medical Microbiology, Immunology, and Biostatistics), and I am done Wednesday, then I have a presentation to give about my graduate project Friday. Mara has Medical Microbiology & Immunology as well, but also has Anatomy (Lab & Lecture), DO Physical Skills, AND Physiology finals next week. It is just going to be an absolute endurance test next week!
We are going to get out and enjoy the daylight as soon as we are done since we'll be holed up in our study caves until then...and it's supposed to be gorgeous golfing weather this weekend too! :(
Hope everyone has a good weekend!


Sally said...

Good luck on finals guys!!!!

Gatfly said...

Best of luck with the tests, both of you!
Thanks again for the Tech help, Mike! Seems to be working just fine.