Sunday, December 12, 2010

Rohan's Latest Words

We were sitting down this afternoon asking Rohan to say different words and I realized how much more he can talk/imitate than even just a few weeks ago, he even surprises us and names animals, etc in books that we didn't know he knew. It is so awesome to watch how his brain is developing:)
Here is a partial list of words he can say (mind you, we may be the only ones who understand him):
Mom, Dad, Linus, Schroeder, Hi/Bye, Please, Stroller, Water, Apple juice, Milk, Banana (my personal favorite), Tortellini, Cookie, Cracker, Pretzel, Cheese, Bath, Car, Truck, Ball, Soccer, Baseball, Football, Zebra, Lion (Rar!), Kitty (meow), Cow (moo), Dog (woof), Duck, Bird, Airplane (zzzzz---apparently the sound an airplane makes), Stop, Book, Bear, Train.  I'm sure there are more, but these are the most common.  He'll usually try to say most things we ask him to.
He also has said a few 2-3 word sentences with/without prompting; his first unprompted 2 word phrase makes me laugh: Mom, STOP! (I can't even recall what I was doing, but he was pretty adamant about it:) )


Cari said...

LOVE it! :) Pretty soon he'll be saying (as Erik is now), "That's disgusting" or "wow, that's awesome" or "incredible!" --in about a year or so? Do ya think?? LOL

Gatfly said...

Toooooooo cute! But do you make him perform for every bite he gets???? :)

Michelle Stokes said...

Ha, ha, ha! I love the "More tortellini please" He's trying so hard to get that word tortellini out. How about you start with ball? LOL

Timothy and Allison Peet said...

Very good boy!!! Love that trying to figure out what they're saying phase! Keep it up Ro!