Monday, December 6, 2010

Pet Expo, Climbing, Parade & Haricut...Oh, And It's Gorgeous Weather Here...:)

This last work week was pretty low key (as usual). Mara had a couple short on-call nights, but was home early enough to get some sleep. We had a couple runs, and found time to climb. Climbing as been good to get back into, but we are having to retrain ourselve again since we had a couple weeks off. We're getting back into it though. Rohan has been wearing a harness and be suspended from a rope a couple times, so hopefully he'll be ready to climb for real this winter sometime!
This weekend we did quite a bit of running around. It has been gorgeous this week (75°F & sunny vs. 55°F last week) so we took advantage of that. Saturday we hit up the Holiday Pet Festival at WestWorld. It was fun, but my god people are insane about their pets, even offering pictures with Santa! Some vendors even offer clergy services for per funerals...too much damn money in Scottsdale. Others just offered insanely expensive pet pampering services. We brought our dogs and they had a blast sniffing and smelling their way though the expo. Rohan even got a couple of stuffed animals (moose & elephant). They were meant to be dog toys but Rohan claimed them for himself. Later Saturday we met up with Heather & John (and friends) for the Electric Light Parade. We went last year, and Rohan had fun, but fell asleep in his warm cozy blanket. This year was MUCH warmer and Rohan had a blast, especially with the marching bands and mucial float. He was bee boppin' most of the time and kept waving to everything too. It was a blast to see him so enthralled.
Sunday was pretty low key. We finished off one of our better crock pot chili dinners and watched some football and relaxed. We found a few hours to climb and work out. The gym was pretty dead, so Rohan was all over the place jumping off mats and squealing. We capped of Sunday with some more cookie decorating which Rohan is a pro at now. We did however transfer them to other containers, which turned out to be too large of holes for the decorations. It led to Rohan burying a cookie in jingle balls...:) The cookie survived, and we salvaged most of the balls, but we ended up taping some of the holes up for the other ones. Mara also gave Rohan another haircut. He wasn't as cooperative this time, but it went well and he doesn't look quite as homeless...:)
The next few weeks will be VERY exciting since we will be headed to Germany for almost 3 weeks! With less than 2 weeks before we leave we got Rohan stocked up on gloves/hats, sweaters, and warmer PJs since the temps in Zweibrücken are MUCH cooler than Scottsdale...:) We came across an awesome ugly sweater for Rohan too. Hand knit, great quality, with mushrooms and 3D gnomes...hilarious...:)
Mara also found a GREAT backpack for Rohan while we are in Germany (For about 1/10 the cost!) on Craigslist. Our current backpack (compliments of Cari & Rob!) is great, but when Rohan falls asleep there isn't much padding and his face can chafe on the front. This one had a "pillowey" area which will be perfect! We've tried it out a couple of times and he loves it. He even pulls it out just to get into. We've checked the mail with him in the backpack quite a few times this last week.
Not much planned this week, just planning for Germany and sorting out all the minor details. We are so incredibly excited for this trip! :D
We have tons of video from the parade, but not lots of pics, but enjoy!:

Rohan Listens To A Waltz (Great-Grandma would've loved this!):

Rohan Dances To Tim & Allison's Song (Moondance). Everyone Else Sings SpongeBob Squarepants:

Rohan LOVED the train floats:

Santa Rides A Firetruck!:


Michelle Stokes said...

The pass out bear in the stroller with his face in the netting is hilarious. That boy can crash in style! The sweater...not so stylish.

Cari said...

You guys used that back pack more than we would have ever dreamed! Glad it worked well while it lasted--and have fun in Deutschland!