Sunday, April 11, 2010

Rohan's Growing Up Fast!

This week Rohan was pretty much growing up in from of us. With his spider-like climbing skills it was only a short time before be was throwing a leg over his railing and getting out of his crib. We preempted that by taking his railing off and giving him a daybed style big kid bed.  He's been awesome with it so far. He climbs in at night and even when we hear him get up, we find he went back to his bed and slept.  He's even surprised us a couple of times by getting up from a nap and walking out like nothing is strange about that.  It's pretty crazy.
Rohan is also finding the joy of firetrucks & lights.  Like Michelle did with Jackson, we saw a firetruck in a parking lot showing off the lights to kids.  Unlike Michelle, I made a couple illegal u-turns and moves and, again like Michelle, we showed the truck to Rohan.  He was a little tired, but he was enthralled with everything.  He even got a little Junior Firefighter badge.  Ironically, we were actually on our way to buy Rohan a ride-on firetruck, which he has been in love with since we brought it home.  We actually had to take it out of the box and let him ride with it on his lap so hit could play the song it has (which we are now sick of!).
Rohan must have learned a lot from his visit with Cameron because he is talking a lot more, dancing at every beat, and now does the Cameron hand dance thing that he used to do when eat.  It's hilarious!
Rohan also received a nice sand play set from G&G Syring which he LOVED!  He knew exactly what to do with them, and screamed bloody murder when we took them away.  He learned to get sand in his pants is a lot easier with shovel, rather than using his hands like sucker...:)
Last Friday Mara and I tried to hit up a camping spot in the mountains, but unbeknownst to us, there was a fire in the area in 2005 and it is completely closed off for camping...:(  We found a spot to cook out and watch the sunset, but then headed back home.  It wasn't all bad because the bugs were swarming, not biting or stinging, just everywhere!
Other than that, we've just been enoying the gorgeous weather and getting tons of outside time at the parks and dog park, as well as grilling up a storm.  We even grilled our first pizza of the year tonight.  I heard Green Bay got 3½ inches of snow last week...:P
This coming week I have some training to do in San Diego, so I'll be heading out on Tuesday night for the week.  Mara and Rohan are going to join me on Thursday night and we are going to take some time to relax and enjoy some beach time!  Can't wait.  A HUGE thanks to Greg & Nico for taking the dogs for us.  It will be really nice to not have them this time.  We have a half marathon scheduled for Sunday and we found a great place to rent a jogging stroller too!  Our planned route is almost entirely around the beach.  As long as it's not too windy it should be a really fun run!
Enjoy the videos & pics!

Rohan & His Fire Trucks:

Linus Cracks Rohan Up:

1 comment:

Gatfly said...

Love the new pictures! Cool fire engine! Glad he gets along so well with the dogs, too.
I really love the sunset silhouette pics - way cool!