Thursday, April 22, 2010

The M&M San Diego Half Marathon

I thought I would post a little about our "virtual" half marathon.  The reason we ran one was so that we can keep training for our full marathon next year (PF Chang's). It's pretty simple.  If I don't have someone (Mara) or something (Nike+) telling me to run, I won't.  I'll find something else to do, or not do for that matter...:)  So we picked an arbitrary date to run on and started a training program.  Turns out I had to travel for work, but it worked out great to be able to run the 13.1mi along the ocean in San Diego.  It was great to be able to run with Rohan, and we're glad Mara found the jogging stroller rental business.  Our half marathon route was really easy in the sense that it was flat.  We didn't get above 50 feet above sea level since we ran along the bay and ocean the whole time...:)  We ran along Fiesta Bay, Mission Bay, Sail Bay, San Juan Cove, Santa Barbra Cove, Bonita Cove, Mariner's Basin, and lastly along the mighty Pacific Ocean.  Here is a map of our route.
Over the course of the last 12 weeks or so of training, we ran almost 250 miles!  Most of the time we felt great, and we are getting better at knowing when to slow down and when to take a break.  I think thats been our key to making running fun, and not a chore.  The main thing we want to get out of running is health, and the only way we'll keep running is if we enjoy it.
We start an increased training regiment next week (Intermediate Half Marathon), running 4 times a week in stead of 3, and having some longer runs the the Beginner training we were doing.  This is in preparation for our big 28 week full marathon training which will begin in July (mostly running at night with the heat!).  We are both looking forward to the full marathon, and we want to make sure we finish feeling good, not just finish and hate ourselves for the next week.  We may never run another (said that about our first half), but to train to run one is an awesome feeling!  Feel free to come join us (for a run, or for support)!

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