Monday, October 19, 2009

Getting Back To Normal

Since Rohan and I got back from WI some things have changed.  First Rohan started daycare again.  So far his daily reports  have one theme in common...Happy & Active.  That's what each report has checked at the bottom.  We're also told he's playing with all the kids great, which after the way he played and watch Jackson,  Sam, Eric, & Elyse, it's no wonder he's so social.  We thought that by staying home with me all the time, Rohan was really missing out on socialization with other kids, and I sure as hell wasn't going to join a play date group...:)
Another reason Rohan was joining daycare is I FINALLY got a job.  The funny part is that I hadn't gotten many bites for all the positions I've applied for, but the week before I went to WI, I had 3 interviews.  While I was in WI playing racquetball with Chris I got a call from TGEN.  This was the company that had flown me down in March to interview.  The internal candidate they had hired instead was moving back to the East Coast so they called their #1 external candidate.  It's somewhat fortuitous that I was available since TGEN was far and away my first choice.  While it was a little frustrating looking for a job I am VERY thankful for the time I had with Rohan.  I feel I really got to connect with him more than I had.
Other than that we've been doing the norm, running, climbing, and exploring Phoenix.  Friday Mara got off early since her preceptor was heading to Vegas so we decided to go for a jog earlier rather than later.  The temp topped out around 100°F and it took it's toll on us.  We were beat after a 6 mile run which included a stop at a gas station for protein bars and Gatorade's.  We recovered in time to climb with Sasha later that night, after we hit up our favorite sushi restaurant, RA.  We've also gotten massages from one of our friends we meet climbing, Jeanette.  She is certified in massage and also teaches yoga at AZR, in addition to being an amazing climber.  If your in the area, check her out for a massage (HIGHLY recommended)
 Saturday Sasha and Greg came over and carved pumpkins and watch The Hangover.  It was nice to relax for an evening and enjoy a few drinks.  Earlier that day we watched the Hawks continue to make their case for a serious bowl game and also watch the exciting Gator game (Sasha's alma mater).  Sunday we relaxed a little more by bouldering and catching some more football ans a little playoff baseball to boot.
Another fun week in the sun!  The temps are coming back down after a few days in the 100's and now topping out around 90°F and abosilutely gorgeous!  We don't have a ton of pics, but enjoy them anyway!


Timothy and Allison Peet said...

Congrats on the new job!!! That's awesome, no more Mr. Mom anymore. Love catching up on this - doesn't feel like you guys are so far away!

Gatfly said...

Looks like you had fun carving those pumpkins - did Mara roast the seeds? Those are yummy!
So glad you are happily back on the job, Mike! [but you did make a good Mr. Mom!]