Thursday, December 18, 2008

Yeah Winter!

Can you feel the sarcasm? It's hard to bitch about the 6" of snow that we got earlier this week when WI gets slammed with 1 foot or more every week. But we get to enjoy one thing they don' Moving to a slightly warmer climate in Missouri gave us later snow arrival, earlier & later golfing throughout the year, and December rain which turns to ice when the temp drops at night. We are supposed to get 1/2 inch of ice tonight so it should make for some interesting driving tomorrow on our way to work/school. Mara has an exam in Pharmacology and then she is done until January!
I feel sorry for the students who have to leave that were flying out of Kansas City. Sounds like they'll be shut down for a day or so to clean up after the ice hits them. One girl in Mara's class gets married on Saturday and a bunch of her family flew into KC and are now stranded! That would suck!
We are headed to Tim & Allison's this weekend to hang out with Cameron & the family. We are also going to try and get another 3D Ultrasound done, so hopefully Rohan is more cooperative this time...:)
Hope no one has to dig out of a snow storm this weekend! The Caldwells & Schmits are excluded since they're in Phoenix. A little snow would cripple those spoiled desert wanderers. We can't wait to be among them! :)

1 comment:

Calds and Nico said...

We cant wait until you guys are here! Just a little rain right now, of course youd think it was a blizzard with the way people drive in the rain here!