Monday, December 8, 2008

Rohan Alexander Syring

We finally get to spill the name! Although we had to deal with Holly & Michelle both posting the name on their blogs before we got a chance to... We wanted to wait until the baby showers to tell everyone in person, and now we can tell everyone who couldn't make it! Its obviously not a family name. The name Rohan originats in India and roughly translated means "Sun/Bright". Mara's former boss Shekar named his son Rohan and ever since then, we've always loved the name. Incidentally it also has a place in Lord of the Rings, with the Riders of Rohan horsemen...:)
We spent some time trying to figure out sleeping arrangements for everyone on our way down to IA, but finally settled on an arrangement. We spent the ride to IA listening to Mara's Cardiology lectures on EKGs. We had to turn it off when it got dark because it started to put us to sleep! Mara got up at the ass crack of dawn and headed to a Starbucks in Davenport to study for 3-4 hours before the shower so she wouldn't feel like she was behind in her studying. I think that's what smart kids do...:)
We gave Jackson a gift that I hope Rohan will never inherit. The story goes that Michelle was calling me "Snack Cake" (I'm not exactly sure why), but like hell am I taking a nickname like Snack Cake! I decided to gift the name to my nephew...:) I spent a while finding pictures that I thought represented the honor of the Snack Cake name. I found Twinkie the Kid & Friends, some cupcakes, a doughnut, The Little Debbie logo, and a Swiss Cake Roll. I printed them onto transfer paper and ironed them onto a onesie. Who knew I had such skills? Mara had the best contribution of all. I had several small cupcakes I was just going to place randomly, but she said they would make a good necklace and cuff-links. They looked awesome! The best was when we put him in it just before the shower started. Jackson had a bad diaper rash and so they let him go commando to "air out". Well he took the opportunity to crap through the onesie and onto the floor! It was both disgusting and hilarious at the same time...:)
The shower itself was a lot of fun, and we were so happy to see everyone, especially those we NEVER get to see! Being busy is nice, but we sometimes feel like we neglect some of the families! We had a lot of fun with Jen's crossword puzzle, and there was only ONE person who actually guessed the name! My cousin Mary somehow came up with it. We got a lot of great gifts and a much needed break from Kirksville, even though it was only a week between breaks. Any break is a good break!
Thanks to everyone who came to both showers! We were really happy with the great gifts we got from everyone!!! Honestly Rohan could come tomorrow and we'd be pretty much set on everything. I'm sure that's just me being nieve. We'll never be 100% ready...:)
Enjoy the pictures!

The video is of Lucy begging for our food during supper. She is a perfect example of Pavlov's Dog behavior. It's gross to see the wet mark on the floor. Ewwwwww...


Michelle Stokes said...

Mike - I drink to cope with your presence.

Snack cake will go down as one of the funniest antics ever.

Gatfly said...

I love Lucy's eyebrows in the video. I hope she got something after all of that!
I hope little Rohan waits until his appointed time to show up, and I am sure you will be ready for him (at least physically).
Let it be noted here that I removed the name from our blog ASAP when you called me on it.....Grandmas just get excited about suchlike, you know??

John and Heather Schmit said...

Cool name! Can't wait to meet him. (I am still trying to figure out the ultrasound pictures!)
We'll see you in aa couple weeks.

Calds and Nico said...

We love the name! The onsie was pretty awesome. Looks like a good time!~