Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Nephews & Nieces Weekend

We have a fun week (and weekend)planned with lots of family time.
Mike is driving me up to Amherst this afternoon, where we'll play with the puppies for a while then Mike will head back to Milwaukee and I will head up to Hudson.
I get to hang out with Sally, Scott, & Sam for the next couple of days. I am very excited to see the little guy (I think I'm going to call him Sammers, until I find another nickname, not sure Sally will like that...). I'm sure he's changed quite a bit since I saw him 3 weeks ago. Sally & I will have some time to catch up and enjoy hanging out.
Then on Friday I will head back to Amherst, as will Mike. We'll hang out with the Bacon's and the puppies on Friday night.
Saturday, Austin and his uncle and grandparents are going to be in Waupaca and will stop by the farm to visit. It will be nice for my parents to finally meet them as I've talked about them so much over the last 2 years. He's such a great kid with a really awesome family!
Later on Saturday we'll head to Appleton to hang out with the Syring's (& Stokes' & Bowers')and maybe get some golf in. It will be great to see Taylor & Kaylee as well as Jackson, being around kids means we get to act like kids...right? :) Saturday night back to the Bacon's and the puppies.
Then Sunday morning we'll head to Green Bay for Jackson's baptism.
Just writing that made me realize how much we'll be travelling in the next few days, can you believe our new car will hit 15,000 already! It's all worth it and we are glad we can spend so much time with family before we head to K-ville and Med School.
Just a week left of work for me (I guess 3 days I'll really be there!) and then we pick up the puppies, pack up our stuff and head to MO. I'm sure we'll post pictures of all the fun this weekend and maybe even some video.
Enough rambling for now...I'm just avoiding work:)


Sally said...

It was SO nice to see you and have you get some hugs-n-snugs with Sam! I hope the rest of your weekend is lovely!

Cari said...

Sounds like you guys have been making the most of your last days in Wisconsin (for now--remember I came back!). Weekend wanderings won't be *quite* as easy, but they're not over I'm sure! :)