Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

This weekend we celebrated Halloween with friends and tried to spend as much time outside as possible!!!
Friday night we headed to our friend Irena's house for a party.  Rohan got to dress as a pirate at daycare, and pretty much wore the costume all weekend.  He's been practicing his pirate ever since we saw the Treasure Island pirate show in Las Vegas last weekend (see video!).  Irena's was a blast.  Mara and I coped out and went as a Researcher and a Dr...I know...I know...but not many people were drinking from a beaker like me, so it was somewhat original...:)  Rohan had a lot of fun with the pumpkin this year, and really like the scooping guts part.
Saturday Mara had to work all day (her last shift on Well Baby) so Rohan and I watched some football and played at the park by our house.  Rohan has also been loving the prism that I found.  I've had it for probably 20yrs and we set it high on our windows in our living room and he chases the spectrum is casts around the room as it moves with the day...pretty fun to watch.  After Mara got home we went on a bike ride and ended the long day with some fresh, desert night aire!
Sunday we all slept in until 10am..yep...10am.  Haven't done that since Rohan has been around!  We made up for the lazyness by going for a 15mi bike ride to Jeanette's and met her for lunch at Pei Wei before biking back.  Found some cool areas and Rohan loved the pedestrian bridge that goes over Greenway Blvd.
After the bike ride we rested for an hour or so, then headed to AZR for about 3hrs of climbing.  Rohan showed off his costume to more people and afterwards we cameback and perfected our basil/cilantro, tomato, motzerella cheese, basalmic vinegar homemade grilled pizza...MAN was that good!  Capped it off with a bottle of wine and capped off a great weekend of getting outdoors!
Hope everyone is enjoying the fall weather as much as we are!

Pirates Have To Practice:

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