Monday, September 12, 2011

More Outdoor Time!

The weather has been absolutely gorgeous this last weekend, and looking to hover around 100°F the rest of the week! It feels awesome after the 115+°F we had recently! Friday we did some things around the house (like trying to fix the ceiling fan in our luck yet...). We had a pretty laid back night
Saturday we got up early and met Greg & Nico at the Sandbar to watch the IA game. It was a VERY good game, just not the outcome we were hoping for. Father of the year...Me...left Roahn's shoes on top of the car (a pair of Thomas the Train Crocs that he LOVED), but now they are somewhere along Tatum Blvd...oops...:( We continued back at our place with some grilling, then headed to Greg & Nico's for more grilling and a horse/dice game Nico's Grandpa made. Pretty fun day!
Sunday we met up with friends and hiked around Lookout Mountain. It's not a huge mountain, but the circumference trail is about 3mi long, and pretty nice. Michelle will definitely love to do some trail runs with us when she comes in December! :) We went back to our friend Jen's place for a cookout (we skipped this time), then hit up Home Depot for some house necessities (like a ladder!). We then picked up some ingredient for Connecticut Beef (something I've been craving for a while!) The recipe usually takes about 4hrs, so starting at ~6pm...we had somewhat of a late supper...:) There were some nice adaptations we made like cooking the steak in the soup mixure for 2hrs at 300°F, that made this one of the best reditions of Conn. Beef yet!  While some of the ingredients were cooking we got some yardwork done with the low-voltage lighting in our yard that doesn't work. We replaced it with solar LED lights so we wouldn't have to re-wire our yard...:) We also replaced our front porch light which was not was gold and glass, and not very attractive.
We are looking forward to some more outdoor time while the temps are getting cooler! We wish we had more pictures, but it hard to take pictures when you don't slow down...:)


Sally said...

I like the new light fixture! And I think Ro is laughing due to the whippits...little guys first high? :)

Michelle Stokes said...

I love the whipping cream photos of Ro! Enjoy the cooler temps, it's about time for you guys to cool down a bit!