Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Happy 4th of July!!!

This last weekend Mara had to be on most days, but that's the nature of the beast now...:) We took full advantage of the time off though, getting some great climbing in, hitting some parties and enjoying the A/C since it was 118°F outside!
Saturday we headed to Heather & John's for their 4th of July party. As always, it was full of food and pool volleyball. They had a really good turnout too.
Sunday we helped our friend Kim break in his new house (AKA Ninja Base Camp). It was also a ton of fun, and we even got some pretty hardcore storms that night.
Monday we headed to Mark & Vicki's (friends through Heather & John) and essencially reapeated what we did at H&J' Mark had some fireworks we lit off, and Rohan got to hold his first sparkler! He had no idea it was 1000°F, but he didn't do anything too crazy with it. We were all hovering just in case...:)
Last night we had Mara & I's first haboob (sandstorm). It was pretty weird how dark it got, and now everything has a fine layer of red dust on it. Check out the video below for a cool time lapse of someone driving into it...
Hope everyone had a great 4th weekend!


1 comment:

Michelle Stokes said...

That video of the Haboob is awesome!