Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Almost Done!!!!

Mara has less than 30 days until graduation and Dr. MARA! :) She has one last rotation in the ER tonight and then she'll be preparing for step 3 boards and starting at Phoenix Children's the end of June!
With Mara still on the afternoon shift, Rohan and I have been watching baseball, building forts, and getting outside to enjoy the parks & pools.
Last weekend we went to our friends' house who have a pool and a giant backyard. We grilled, chilled in the pool (literally since it wasn't heated!), played some beer pong, and enjoyed the day. There was a good turnout for a last minute party, and the dogs they were dogsitting for had a blast jumping in the pool with everyone. I actually rode Jack into the pool since he was standing under me on the diving board! What a fun dog!
Afterwards we went to another friends house who has a cousin that Mara will be working with at PCH so it was a great chance to meet him and his family, as well as see Chris & Janae one last time before they head to Hawai'i for residency. Rohan even made and decorated cookies that morning at the bright and early time of 6am. I guess he was just excited.
Mara also had the distinction of expressing Linus' anal gland...a pleasure I had when we were in Kirksville. Luckily it was draining pretty good when she started so it didn't take too long. Good times...

Rohan LOVES to be tossed in his "boat":

Rohan declaring "I'm on a boat!":

For the complete "I'm On A Boat" experience...watch this video...http://youtu.be/avaSdC0QOUM


Michelle Stokes said...

Did you really post pictures of Mara expressing Linus' anal glands on the internet? : )Nice Mike. Also, you lose muliple man cards for making Mara do that disgusting job.

Timothy and Allison Peet said...

I got my flippy floppies! I LOVE it! Can't wait to get our two rugrats together - can't believe Mara will be DOCTOR in less than a month, awesome!!

Calds and Nico said...

so happy and excited for Mara! I cant believe how big Rho is getting! So amazing how time flies!

Mary Mathwig said...

Hi to all. I'm so proud of our Dr. Mara and love those pictures and videos of Rohan - growing and maturing faster than the speed of light.