Thursday, July 1, 2010

18 Months

Rohan has made some pretty big advances lately:

Height: 31 3/4", 36th percentile
Weight: 24lbs, 26th percentile
He is still a bit small but right on for his growth curve.

Running: all the time, last night he ran the full distance of a softball field without stopping! I may or may not have been chasing him...:) Seriously this kid never stops, wonder where he gets that from?

Talking: mom, dad, (no, not mama/dada), ball, baseball, Sasha, Linus, Schroeder, more, WOW, uh-oh, there are probably a few I am forgetting. Sasha taught him a word or two, but they may not be appropriate, thanks Sash! Also, these "words" when used out of context can be a bit hard to decipher:) He has made a huge leap in this department, as of 2 weeks ago, he said uh-oh and dad consistently! He's a silent observer appearing quite serious sometimes, but he gets his point across when he wants something.

Toys: The puppies are his all time favorite toy, and that means ANY dog, not just ours, we are working on that one. He loves his puzzles and can match the pictures up, still has a bit of trouble making them fit sometimes. He has numerous balls of different sizes that he loves to kick/throw all over the apartment. Books remain some of his favorites. Of course, climbing! We may regret our decision to teach him to climb as he now sees anything as an obstacle to be climbed: people, pets, objects, pretty much nothing he won't try to climb! How could I forget, WATER, of any shape or form!

Chores: we didn't start this, he did. Every time it's time to feed the puppies he will help set up their dishes and pick them up when he deems they are done (Linus can be a bit pokey at times and Rohan will decide he's finished). He also helps kennel the puppies before "school", yelling something at them and chasing them into their kennels and shuts their doors. It's pretty cute.

Food: he continues to eat anything and everything. Thankfully he likes freeze-pops (he hated them last year) as they cool him off pretty quickly on these 110+ days.

Tantrums: daily, numerous times! He knows what time-out means already. And it kills me, but this kid is so much like me...screaming bloody murder, calms himself down, and comes out laughing at us, seriously I know you guys wished this on me, but wow! He is also absolutely like Mike in his passive resistance, and good god is that annoying. This morning we were walking out to the car, he didn't want to go so he buckled and laid like a ragdoll on the concrete and started to whine, sound familiar Larry & Deb???

Overall, he's an awesome kid (not a baby anymore) and he astounds us daily with the things he says and does! (I know, all kids do this, but hey, he's ours!) He's been so much fun lately!


Tony, Jen, Taylor and Kaylee said...

Wow!! He is growing up so fast!! I can't wait to see him. As for the tantrums...the throwing himself down like a ragdoll ~ TOTALLY MIKE!! My personal favorite is when he used to do it on the stairs. He was like a ragdoll...and ESPECIALLY when you hurried him!! Ahhhh....the good ol' days!!
Thanks for all of the updates ~ I love to read them!! Love ya...

Michelle Stokes said...

What fun!!! I can't wait to see him next. Enjoy the tantrums, they evolve in ways you can't even imagine.... Well, maybe Mike can :)

Gatfly said...

I was supposed to be doing the bookwork, but got side-tracked by your posts! Thanks! The pics, videos and commentary are wonderful! It really helps to keep us up to date with his development. I am absolutely astounded at his climbing - and getting down, too! You'll have to keep an eagle eye on him at AZR!!! Thanks again!!!!!