Sunday, November 22, 2009

Devil's Bridge

Well Rohan is getting VERY close to walking. We took a page from Tim & Allison's baby guide and gave Rohan a "leash" to hold on to while he walks. He tugs on it occasionally for balance, but he motors around no problem. It's only a matter of time and he'll be tearing around the place. Check out the video below.
Thurday Mara took her SHELF exam for Internal Medicine and finished out her rotation on Friday. This week she starts on Peds, which she's been looking forward to. To celebrate her exam being done we went rock climbing on Thursday, then to celebrate her rotation being done we met Sasha out for sushi and then ran 5 miles and climbed. Rohan was a champ and slept the whole time in his jogging stroller so we both got a lot of climbing in. We both had some shredded hands, but it was a lot of fun.
Saturday was by far our busiest day of the week. We got up bright & early and went on an eight mile run into McDowell Mountain. After a shower we met Sasha at the Farmer's Market downtown and picked up another loaf of our favorite sourdough bread. We were going to an Indian Festival (middle eastern, not native american) but I read my calendar wrong and it was on Sunday, not Saturday...:( We made up for it by going to an oriental grocery store and finding a TON of ingredients we've been looking for, including my favorite mint chutney. After supper we had a friend (Heidi from AZR) watch Rohan and Mara and I went on a little date. We hit up a couple of wine bars (Uncorked & Pano E Vino) and had some excellent deserts. The crème brûlée and berries & ice cream were spectacular!
Sunday we headed up to Coconino National Forest in Sedona, AZ with Sasha to hike Devil's Bridge. We had heard about it because Greg & Nico got engaged there. It was a LOT of fun to hike in such beautiful weather, although it got a little chilly in the shade. The views were amazing, and we even got to climb a little. One scary part was when Sasha & I were on the bridge two dogs got into a fight and one (a GIANT St. Bernard) almost pulled the owner over the edge. They started fighting about 3 feet from the edge of a 100 foot drop. I really thought we were going to see someone fall. But they separated the dogs and everything was fine. We came back and made some pasta from the farmer's market and made pesto chicken. A nice cap to a full week!

Rohan's Walking Leash:

Linus, The Most Bravest Dog In The World:


Calds and Nico said...

Awe looks like Linus had a lot of fun exploring;) Great pictures, we are pretty partial to Devils Bridge since thats where Greg proposed. But Imagine our photographer having to climb up there for our engagement pictures haha

Timothy and Allison Peet said...

That's so funny! Love the "leash" video - it definintely worked for Cameron! Can't wait to see more videos of his progress!