Monday, August 17, 2009

Even Viral Croup Can't Slow Him Down!

This last week Mara and Rohan have been fighting off a cold, but during our run on Saturday night, Rohan started to cough and wheeze a little. Sunday morning he was really laboring to breath so we took him into the ER where he was diagnosed with croup, which is characterized by a "barky" cough, which he definitely had. They gave him some steroids and that seem to take out much of the inflammation. We've been humidifying his room and the cough is seeming to break up a little bit. He's been sleeping quite a bit, so we know its kicking his butt. It's probably just viral croup, something the ER physician had seen quite a lot of in recent days. In case you were wondering, parainfluenza is the most common cause of viral croup...:)
But even with all the coughing and sleeping, the kid is still going nonstop when he's awake. He's getting much better at crawling and learning to stand and walk along the couches and coffee table. He's also getting stronger arms and shoulders and tries to pull himself up onto things, but still needs help for the high stuff like couches. He did stand up on Mara for the first time when I was talking to Michelle the other day. Since then he can't stop trying to climb over Mara, we even got a video of it. Rohan's tooth is poking through quite a bit now, and he's been using it to shred Mara's shoulder. Hopefully he doesn't bite as much as his cousin Jackson! :)
Sorry for the poor video quality. The codec our computer uses to convert the videos was misbehaving, so this is as good as I could get them. :(

A Little Game We Like To Call: Fishing For Rohans:

When Rohans Attack!:

Rohan Scaling Mt. Mara:


Joshua Bacon said...

Get better Rohan!

TriDreaming said...

Oh no I hope my bff gets better soon!!! And Mara too of course haha...

Gatfly said...

Looks like someone needs to work on their casting skills! And look out for the payback on that, down the road - when you are in the nursing home and Rohan is "taking care of" you!