Tuesday, July 21, 2009

6 Month Check-Up

Rohan was a little late for his 6 month check up mainly because we were a little late in finding a pediatrician near our apartment and then had to wait for an appointment. Mike took Rohan in for his appointment yesterday afternoon and got his stats, he is a whopping 16lbs 4oz and 26in! According to the CDC height and weight percentile charts, that puts him in the 17.7% for weight and the 22.3% for height. Definitely growing like a weed.

By infantchart.com If you plug in Jan 4th and 7.35kg it will display Rohan's information, I couldn't get the link to save his info.

By infantchart.com Once again, I couldn't save his info, if you plug in Jan 4th and 66cm it will show his info.
Rohan has been such a blast lately! Aside from the teething that is:)

He has been trying real hard to crawl, he can get his knees up under him and his chest/belly off the ground but has no idea what to do next! He can get around pretty good by rolling in all directions and pivoting on his stomach to turn around 360 degrees. The dogs are a great motivator for movement he will do just about anything to get closer to them, he loves the feel of their fur on his hands. Thankfully the dogs have been extremely tolerant of him and will let him pull on their hair/tails/ears and even chew on their legs, definitely wish we had a picture of that one

He babbles constantly whether anyone is there to listen or not. It sounds like he is singing to himself, he'll do it in the car or in his crib when he wakes up in the morning, it is adorable! No words or even the start of distinct sounds just noise. He has done a shrill screech a few times and we're really hoping that one doesn't stick around, way too annoying!

He has tried a TON of different food and hasn't rejected anything yet. His all time favorite so far is cappuccino sorbet (yes, we let him try it, just didn't think he'd like it so much) although he pretty much wants anything you are eating. We were a little dissappointed that we haven't found any foods that make him make funny faces, but don't worry we'll keep trying. Our pediatrician encouraged us to feed him more food along with his normal amount of milk, he wants us to fatten him up, which makes me laugh because seriously this kid has some rolls!

He is getting much better at his sippy cup but he still ends up wearing a lot, it is just water so no mess there and it cools him off.

We have been reading to Rohan nightly before bed since he was born. He really loves being read to, in the last few weeks he has become more interested in the books and wants to get his hands and mouth on them. He'll be reading in no time:)

Nothing else really too new, we thought we felt a tooth or two for a few days but it seems to have disappeared. We think one morning we're going to come in and find him with a mouth-ful of teeth.

We will do a post about this last weekend, just need to get the pictures off the camera. It was really nice to have Grandma Bacon here for a few days. Rohan got to spend quite a bit of time with her, he laid on the charm while she was here:) Rohan already misses getting spoiled rotten!

Here are a couple of videos of the Ro-Man:

Rohan Practicing His Sitting

Rohan Practicing His Crawling...Sort Of:


Gatfly said...

Weebles will wobble, but they won't fall down.....(old ad for a kids' toy) Guess Rohan isn't a Weeble!
It was soooooo much fun to see/hold/play with/and just be with Rohan, and you two, also!!! Thanks for spending so much time with us!! It was great fun!!!

Mary Mathwig said...

Oh, I just want to hug him - big time! - Auntie M

Tony, Jen, Taylor and Kaylee said...

What a sweetheart!! He is going to be mobile anytime...Love Ya!