Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Baby Furniture

We just can't justify spending half our rent on a changing table. My god, they are like $250! Well, thanks to our cheapo ways, we found a pretty good replacement...and old desk salvaged from the Salvation Army for $8. Our friends Tim & Allison refinished an old hutch from a relative and it looks amazing! They posted pictures on their blog. This project was not quite the same. The top on this was badly damaged (water, stains, etc), but it's really sturdy, lots of drawer space, and plenty wide for a changing table wedge. With the $8 price tag we sure as hell weren't going to refinish like Tim & Allison did, so we just slapped $5 worth of contact paper and called it good. They must love their kid more than we do...:)
In the picture there is a pig Sally sent us this week. It's super soft, but the color is something to be desired... Hopefully the dogs don't get a hold of it before the kid sees it!
I also included a picture of our glider we bought off a 3rd year med student who was moving. It costs us $15, and is hideous, but at 3am we aren't going to notice...:) We are still on the lookout for a 4-in-1 crib, but those seem to be more reasonably priced and we may just end up picking one of those up. Of course it will have to be on one of our road trips because the closest Babies 'R Us is 200 miles away!
Not a whole lot else happening with us. Mara is feeling good with classes starting, just taking a nap once a day to recharge for the late night studying. I'm just working in the lab as usual, just waiting to start classes on the 18th of August. The dogs are still idiots, with no signs of slowing down for when the kid comes...


Gatfly said...

Looks like it will work just fine! It's amazing how one can improvise...
Hey, where is the picture of Idiot #4???

Michelle Stokes said...

Wow. Why do you always start the wars you can't finish? You don't know when, and yo udon't know where but I'll strike back : )

Timothy and Allison Peet said...

The desk looks great and will serve it's purpose well! I never got the changing tables either, what a waste of space and money!