Monday, January 15, 2007

Mi Familia Viaja A México!

Translation: My Family Is Traveling To México! We are REALLY excited about this trip. We have been working EXTRA hard the last few months, so it will be a much deserved vacation. We are heading to O'Hare tomorrow to pick up some friends at the airport, then staying the night in Chicago. We fly out at 8am on Wednesday, and coming back around 10pm on Sunday, but not back to Milwaukee until almost midnight. We'll be sure to post plenty of pictures online (most will be on SnapFish). Chris & Michelle are watching our dogs for us. It worked out pretty good that Shell had a meeting down in Pewaukee Tuesday and they could pick the dogs up.
Hope everyone enjoys the snow we just got! Milwaukee got about 4", but I heard IA got hammered! Cedar Rapids made the news up here with all the snow they got. México is only supposed to be 85 & sunny with a few showers in the AM. Just had to rub it in... :)


Michelle Stokes said...

Keep talking about your great trip and I'll be sure your dogs learn a new form of "potty training" when you get them back.

Seriously, have a great time...just don't tell me about it : )

Natasha (Little Lynne) said...

have fun!!!