Sunday, August 30, 2009

Awesome Weekend!

This weekend had just a TON of stuff packed into it, but it was so much fun! Mara finished her last family practice rotation on Friday, and took her first Shelf Exam on Thrusday over the last 2 month of her clinic rotaions. Friday Rohan, The puppies, and I picked her up from the hospital and headed up to the Coconino National Forest in Camp Verde, just south of Flagstaff. We found an awesome place to camp and beat the heat. We found an area next to a good size stream which was nice and cool (80°F compared to Phoenix's 116°F!). We camped right at the base of Cedar and Black Mountains but the trees were so thick you couldn't even see them. Kind of a nice change, and reminded us a lot of camping in Northern Wisconsin at Copper Falls State Park. We had a nice evening of conversation over wine and cheese after Rohan went to sleep. We packed some brie and camembert cheese and brought a box of wine. Before you laugh, the box is actually designed for camping and recycling, made by Three Theives, we highly recommend it. We got up nice and early and hiked part of the West Clear Creek Trail which was very surprising. It went through the canyon between the two mountains hiked a long the stream the whole way. We took a little detour for lunch and climbed up out of the stream bed and up to the canyon floor. Mara, with Rohan in the backpack, climbed up and down about 20'. We were very careful with footholds and loose rocks, and made sure the dogs were well out of the way. Lunch was really nice at the top, with beautiful views of the canyon walls. The ants were pretty happy to see us too. The views were awesome and the water was really nice to cool off in. Schroeder even found another hiker's dog to play with. Rohan especially loved all the water time! Be sure to check out the video of him and the water...the end is really fun to watch.
Here is a little story to get your nose itching Michelle. I put my hat back on after lunch and had 5 stowaway ants climbing in my hair. But it gets worst (don't read any further Michelle). When I went to pick my backpack up (testing it out for next weekend) there were literally thousands of ants all over the back. I didn't have any food in there and it wasn't even near an anthill either, they were just streaming down the hill towards the pack. It must have been the sweat that attracted them. Since there wasn't anything breakable (even if there were) I just slammed it up against a rock a dozen times to get them all off. I didn't think to get the camera, but it was such an amazing sight with all those ants, I really wish I had. I'm just glad I looked before I slung that pack on!
Saturday night we came back to Phoenix and hit up REI to get the final bits for Greg and I's backpacking trip next weekend. We are doing a 50-mile trip along the Highland Trail in Payson. We can't wait! Other than that, we just tooled around the mall and enjoyed a low key night.
Sunday we got a hold of Greg & Sasha and set up a trip to go check out the indoor rock climbing place near out house called AZ on the Rocks. After a short video we headed to the wall, got orientated and we were free to use the facility. We forgot how much we liked climbing, and with this place so close (and cheap!) we'll have to get over there more often. We ended up climbing for over 3 hours, with taking turns entertaining Rohan and belaying. All our hands are cramping since we haven't climbed like that in a while, but it's well worth it!
Rohan has been getting around even more now, and even crawling on all fours pretty regularly. He's still faster Army crawling, but not for long we think. He has been SO ACTIVE lately which is very good, but also keeps us very busy as well, as all the parents know. He's even managed to high center himself into his toy box a few times. We had to get the camera before we helped him out...:) Enjoy all the pics & vids. There are a ton from such a packed weekend!
Camping In Coconino:

Climbing At AZ on the Rocks:

Rohan Gets Caught In His Toy Box:

Schroeder Plays With Duncan:

Rohan LOVE LOVE LOVES The Water!:


Calds and Nico said...

Short video? I heard your safety class was an 1 1/2! Glad you all had fun, loved the water pics.

Michelle Stokes said...

Rohan either needs a bathing suit your next trip or hiking gear. The kid is a natural. Linus, on the other hand, needs a new that doesn't threaten his life on the edge of a cliff.