Tuesday, January 5, 2010

One Year Stats!

Rohan is HUGE!
Weight: 21lbs (10-25%)
Height: 30.25in (50%)
Head: 18.25in (50%)

Compared to Smallest:
Weight: 5lbs5oz (<5%)
Height: 17.75in (<5%)

What a difference a year makes!


Sally said...

Yeah, huge...Sam at one: 23lbs (50%), 30 inches (50-75th) and a whopping head size of 49 1/2 cm (still ABOVE the 95th). You've got a ways to go to catch up Ro!

Timothy and Allison Peet said...

What a big boy! Still has some catching up to do with your cuz tho! ha ha. Gonna be a string bean!