Sunday, October 25, 2009

Getting Over Being Sick, New Job, & Sasha's 70.3

Rohan has been getting over whatever he caught in WI when we were back there a couple of weeks ago. He's never run much of a fever, but he's been draining snot & crud out of every hole in his face. A couple of mornings it was so bad his eyes were "glued" shut by gunk. The pressure in his sinuses gave him little black eyes called allergic shiners. He looks like he's been ultimate fighting at daycare (we're pretty sure he won). Speaking of daycare, Rohan is moving to another daycare since our last one was having issues following our directions on feeding him. We had several days where he only took in 6 ounces of liquids all day. Normally he needs 30-35 ounces, and even more when he's sick. We asked them to change his schedule and they said they would, but then never did so we pulled him out. Mara found a really good daycare we visited on Friday that we both REALLY liked. I'm sure Rohan will like it too, and he's already been charming them.
Saturday Mara and I went with Sasha to a farmers market in downtown Phoenix and then headed to Tempe to set up her bike for her half ironman on Sunday. Afterward Mara and Sasha wrapped up some homework and Rohan and I walked around an outdoor mall at Tempe Marketplace. Later Mara, Rohan and I caught the last half of the Hawkeye game which was probably one of the better games of the year, suspense-wise. The Hawks pulled it off on the last play of the game to go 8-0 for the first time in the ~120 years of the school. I smell roses...:) After the game we got back home and completed our 10K (6.2 miles) for the Nike Human Race. We've been training for it in preparation for training for the PF Chang's Half Marathon in January, which we start training for this week. The timing worked out great! All over the world people logged races and all in all we ran 786,067 miles in one day! Pretty crazy and fun to be a part of that.
Sunday we caught the tail end of Sasha's 70.3 miles of swimming (1.2 miles), biking (56 miles), and running (13.1 miles) in the SOMA Half Ironman Triathlon. She did the whole thing in about 6.5 hours! Rohan was rooting her on with his 70.3 tattoo Sasha gave him. Afterward Mara, Rohan and I went rock climbing and then capped off our weekend with a 5K run. It was 77°F and gorgeous!
This week also marked the first week of work for me since I started TGEN. It's been an absolute blast to get into the Integrated Cancer Genomics lab and get introduced to some cutting edge experimental science. I can't wait to learn more about Microarray-based comparative genomic hybridization (or aCGH for short). Essentially it's looking at chromosome numbers in cancer patient biopsies and comparing it to normal to try and figure out the molecular progression of cancer. Right now there is a lot to learn, but as interesting as it all sounds, I'm looking forward to it!
Hope everyone had a great weekend!


1 comment:

Timothy and Allison Peet said...

LOVE the bath video - HUGE smiles on our faces watching that.