Sunday, July 12, 2009

A Toasty July

Everyone said June was so mild this year, with it being in the 90's most of the time. July has not disappointed. Every day, but one, it has been over 100°F, with that one day reaching 99°F. But it isn't as bad as it sounds. 100°F+ with 10%-20% humidity is actually pretty comfortable when you are not in it for too long. Everywhere here has the A/C jacked up to low 70's, so it feels really good to come out of a store and into the heat (something John & Heather told us about too). We've found a couple of ways to manage such excessive heat. First, take at least 2 trips to the pool...:) Rohan has enjoyed it so much that we've tried to take him at least every other day. When he goes to bed we take the monitor out with us and can keep an ear on him. It's the only time we ever use our monitor, but we love that we can use it for that! Last night (Saturday) we took a dip around 1:00am since we were both wide awake and sort of bored. It was still 101°F at 1:00am, but with that dry desert air it really cools you off when you get out. Mara hit the hot tub to warm up...:) The pool temp has been around 85°F, but at Heather & John's it got up to 94°F! It felt great, but that is the warmest pool I've ever been in.
Our second heat avoiding trick is to spend it indoors. Most of Saturday morning was spent at the dealership finagling our new car price, but in the afternoon we spent a couple of hours at REI looking at camping and hiking equipment. We are looking at a Grand Canyon backpacking trip sometime next spring and just wanted to get an idea of what we might need.
The last way we beat the heat is to work out indoors. Lately we've been working out individually while Rohan sleeps. We usually get an hour each around 10:00 & 11:00pm, which makes for late nights, but that's pretty normal for us.
Today Rohan got to meet his Great-Grandma & Great-Grandpa Hansen, who are in town to visit before Jordan & Kailea's wedding. Heather had a awesome meal, topped off with strawberries, ice cream & angel food cake (one of our favs). We had some time to visit, watch golf, and hit the pool before we had to head back. Rohan was a little tired in the pool so he wasn't out too long, but he did have some fun naked time on the porch, and eventually fell asleep in the buff. Rohan did have an interesting encounter with Great-Grandma. She was holding him in the pool and he latched on to her neck and gave her a hickie! Hi-Larious! It's faint in the picture, but it really pops out in person. Hopefully it doesn't look too bad the next day.
With the new car, we also got Rohan's other car seat (a transitional one) in the new car so we can transport him in either car. It's a little tricky to get in (nice job Mara!), but he seems to like sitting up a little more than the other seat.
All in all, another warm, but great weekend in the valley of the sun!

Rohan Showing Off His Swim Moves:


Mary Mathwig said...

You've got quite the little swimmer there.

Gatfly said...

He's a pretty good little swimmer already! Love the picture with the folks - need to get that printed for them. Love all the pics!

Timothy and Allison Peet said...

What a little fish! I love the nakey pics - you need to do a before and after collage of him when he was at our house in his baggy saggy newborn skin! He looks much more stay pufft now! :)