Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Rohan's Firsts'

The last few days have been flurry of firsts' for Rohan.
  • Time in Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, and Arizona.
  • Night away from Mom (Thanks Aunt Heather & Uncle John!!!) It worked out really well to have him gone the first night we moved in, we were able to get a lot done that wouldn't have been as easy had cute little boy been around to distract us:)
  • Big belly laugh! Of course it had to happen in the car after our long trip, no video proof just yet but we're working on it.
  • Time sitting unassisted for longer than a few seconds. He still likes to throw himself back pretty often so we have to be careful where he's at.
  • Sippy cup experience. He'll hold it with both hands and can get it into him mouth. He seems surprised when water comes out, and then he usually lets some of it run back out.
  • Cereal & milk with a spoon. He did really well, opened his mouth like a baby bird and ate as much as we would give him. Once again, some came out but more stayed in than came out. Can't wait to start him on his veggies, if he's anything like his parents he's going to love them!
  • Bath in the big tub! He LOVED it! This was a must after we let him play with the spoon and cereal container, he was coated in a thin layer of cereal:) We switched him into the big tub because he started to push off the end of the baby bath tub and was nearly launching himself out the top along with most of the water. He got some float time in the big tub and seemed to really enjoy it.
  • And, teething! (OK, this has started almost a month ago...)His drooling is constant and we can see/feel two bumps where his lateral incisors will be coming in. At the rate he's going it could be a few more weeks before they break through. He doesn't seem to care too much except he wants to chew on EVERYTHING!
  • Rolling over on his own. He has been trying to do this for over a month, he would get 3/4 of the way over and flip himself back. He finally did it the other night, we found out when he woke up crying and I went in to find him laying with his arm sticking outside the crib and he seemed pretty startled to have ended up that way.
  • Swimming! He LOVED it, good thing as that is about the only way to stay cool in 100+ degree weather. After his swim, he was exhausted and passed out naked poolside.

We captured many of these firsts' on video and in pictures. Enjoy!

Rolling Over (From Afar) - Just barely got in the room with the camera as he rolled over. He had a little "surprise for us" when he got to his back...:)

Belly Laughs:

Rohan Does Very Well With Cereal. Great Baby Bird Impression:


Cari said...

Those firsts... and there are so many yet to come! Enjoy!

Sally said...

He's growing so fast!!!

Gatfly said...

Love the videos! Keep them coming! We will have to try a webcam visit one of these days....
Love to you all!
Oh- nice photo tribute to "Dad" on his b-day!

Jill- Bright Beginnings said...

We very proud of Rohan, but we want him back. You got that box ready yet?lol! WE really miss him.