Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

First of all, Happy FIRST Mother's Day to Mara!  She has been an amazing Mom for the last 4 month with juggleing school & Rohan (& me!).  Second, Happy Mother's Day to all the Mothers in our family!  We've had so many additions in the last couple of years, the dynamic of the two families has changed dramatically, but definitely for the better!
Mara is spending Mother's Day studying for her Principles of Surgery final she has tomorrow, as well as the other 5 exams she has this next week.  Like I said, amazing she can juggle all that.  With only 11+ days unitl we move, we've been finding things to pack up, and trying to focus on what we have left to do before we leave here.  Mentally, we have already checked out of Kirksville, and we are already on our way to AZ...:)
Last week we had some outside time with Rohan, and judging by his face, he loved every second of it  We also have some comparison shots of him from the last few months because he was 4 months old earlier this month.  He got his second round of shots last week, and did pretty good.  Some loud screaming, but no fevers or reactions to the shots, so that was nice.  HIs 4 months tats are 13lbs and 23 3/4 inches.  He's still in the 15th percentile, which is more than we can say for the last 4 months!
While we were at the Dr.'s some lady hit our car.  She had 2 of the most nightmarish kids we've seen, and she said they were distracting her.  After seeing her kids, we understand...  Anyway, we should be able to get it fixes by the end of this next week, but we'll have to have a rental for Wyatt's wedding next weekend.  Yippee...  Oh well, what ever we have to do before we leave, we'll get done!

Here is Rohan taking a pull off Mara's Camelbak bottle:


Gatfly said...

Wow! Is Rohan ever changing!!! Thank goodness for digital photos and videos!!!Thank you!!!!
Happy Mother's Day!!

Sally said...

Ha ha ha- I loved the bath comparison pictures!!! CHUNKY MONKEY!!!

Trish said...

WOW! He's getting so big! Thanks for allowing everyone to follow along! Happy Mother's Day!