Sunday, December 21, 2008

3D-4D Ultrasound #2

This time Rohan was a little more cooperative, but not 100%. But what do you expect from a Bacon/Syring hybrid? :)
There are several shots of "most" of his face, but he's getting so big that he's running out of room! 34 weeks is the max they'll usually do, and Mara is about 33 3/4. In most of the pictures he's snuggled up to the placenta, but you can see some features. Most notably his fat cheeks! They did some measurements and estimated him at 4lbs 11oz!!! At our last ultrasound (around Thanksgiving) he was 3lbs even. So the kid has grown 1 3/4 lbs in a month! Moooo! She guessed about a 7 1/2 lb baby in Feb...:) Bigger than both Mara (6lb 8oz) and me (5lbs 5oz).
Here is the video (~20 minutes) if you care to watch:


Sally said...

Sam was 7 pounds .5 ounces.

Cari said...

Lookin' Good!!! Erik was 8 lb. 1 oz. (PLENTY for me!).

John and Heather Schmit said...

Wow, pretty cool! It's like getting a sneak preview!!

Tony, Jen, Taylor and Kaylee said...

That is pretty cool!!! Thanks for sharing the video!!! FYI...Taylor was 7lbs 9oz and Kaylee was 8lbs even. So Rohan's approximate size isn't too bad.

Sally said...

Was that his hand in the shape of an L on his forehead I saw? :)

Michelle Stokes said...

This was awesome!

Gatfly said...

I think you have a little 'shape-shifter' there!
Can't wait to meet him!!!!!!