Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

We just wanted to wish all the Moms a Happy Mother's Day, and all the soon-to-be-Mom's like our friends Tim & Allison! :)

Not much is happening here (of course) except for studying (of course). We have one week of classes left, then finals for a week, then Mara has her OMS Testing, then MAYBE we'll have a couple of weeks off. That will be nice, if there was only something to do here!

We hope everyone had a good weekend! We are headed back to school, but wanted to share some photos and a video of Linus. Linus NEVER plays with toys, but once in a blue moon he'll go crazy for one of Lucy's stuffed (formerly stuffed) animals. The pictures are just randoms from the last few days, but we hope you like them!

1 comment:

Gatfly said...

Love the pic of the two of you!
Sorry to hear that Allison is fried, but happy for them that they are having a baby - when are they due?